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Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Isla Mujeres

The final days of my journey.  Isla Mujeres is a charming island with an interesting history. It is said that it was once a pirate stronghold and they kept their women there. Another story is that the Spanish found Mayan goddess worship specifically Ixchel the rainbow  goddess of fertility on the island and named it for that.  Still another story is one of unrequited love of a pirate captain who loved a woman who lived on the island but she never returned his affection.


sea shell house ( it had a kind of Lemony Snicket feel to it!!)

they sell sea shells

Cuba is only a few hundred miles off the coast  and there is a military wharf on the island as well. In the restaurant there was a little waiting involved as  the fish was just on it's way from the watery depths to be cooked! It was delicious but I wasn't sure what it was.  I discovered that there are a number of ex pats living there year round and the houses are very imaginatively built!! Many houses are specifically for rental purpose.  I spent an afternoon snorkeling but never found the boy who took my picture underwater!! That would have been fun to see.
I was so sad to leave this place and Mexico and vowed to return soon. I'm looking into rentals also so I can spend a bit more time.  Next time I would like to visit the caves of Balankanche.

mujer on the isla mujeres

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